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Rails Tools/Articles
Rails Tools/Articles
twbs/bootstrap-rubygem: Bootstrap 4 Ruby Gem for Rails / Sprockets and Compass.
varvet/pundit: Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
"Array values in the parameter are deprecated" warning not enough helpful ? · Issue #1551 · rubygems/rubygems
jamesgolick/active_presenter: The presenter library you already know.
Colors · Bootstrap
How to save uploaded files to your database in Rails
Rails: What column type to use for saving uploaded images? - Stack Overflow
carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave: Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
refile/refile: Ruby file uploads, take 3
zquestz/omniauth-google-oauth2: Oauth2 strategy for Google
johnwojo/sensei: A web app built in Rails designed to help the user remember that which they find profound. Never forget what you've learned.
File uploading with ActiveStorage in Rails 5.2 (Example) - GoRails
Active Storage Overview — Ruby on Rails Guides
Active Storage on Heroku | Heroku Dev Center
Rails Routing from the Outside In — Ruby on Rails Guides
Custom URLs in Ruby on Rails: How you can use descriptive slugs instead of IDs
Ruby on Rails: Use slug instead of id on resource routes - Stack Overflow
ddnexus/pagy: The ultimate pagination ruby gem
Ruby on Rails Cheatsheet
What are indexes? And how to add them to your Rails app? | by Mera Stackhouse | Medium
activerecord - Generating a model with many to many in Ruby on Rails - Stack Overflow
ruby on rails - What is the behaviour of create_join_table of ActiveRecord::Migration? - Stack Overflow
jweslley/rails_completion: Bash completion support for Ruby on Rails.
Rails w/ React
How to find and kill port processes on a Mac using Bash
Rails 5 API + Create React App: Full Stack Heaven – Nick Hartunian – Medium
Knock JWT Auth for Rails API + Create React App – Nick Hartunian – Medium
csrf - Rails: How Does csrf_meta_tag Work? - Stack Overflow
Using Rails for API-only Applications — Ruby on Rails Guides
Rails JWT Authentication With Knock - CodeBrains.IO
heroku/list-of-ingredients: An example of using Create React App with Rails 5 API and ActiveAdmin on Heroku
rails 5.1.0.rc1, sass-rails 5.0.6: variables declared in one file undefined in second file · Issue #396 · rails/sass-rails
ReactJS + Ruby on Rails API + Heroku App – Bruno Boehm – Medium
instacart/redux-rails: Redux and your server talking without fuss.
CSRF issues w/ single-page apps
Update CSRF docs to better explain API usage scenarios by chrisnicola · Pull Request #9405 · rails/rails
angularjs - Rails CSRF Protection + Angular.js: protect_from_forgery makes me to log out on POST - Stack Overflow
ruby on rails - Work with authenticity token? Or disable it? - Stack Overflow
Rails API design without disabling CSRF protection - Stack Overflow
javascript - Rails CSRF protection with Single Page Application (react, angular, ember) - Stack Overflow
Compatibility break with rails 5.2 rc1 · Issue #205 · nsarno/knock
Getting "Can't verify CSRF token authenticity" with Rails api_only project · Issue #208 · nsarno/knock
cyu/rack-cors: Rack Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which makes cross-origin AJAX possible.
CultureHQ.com - A Better Workplace Community
Knock/JWT Auth
Issue JWT token on user create · Issue #189 · nsarno/knock
How to Authenticate a Rails 5 API with Knock and JSON Web Tokens | callahanrts
Rails 5 API and React frontend (JWT) token authentication - Eric London » Open Source » Software Blog
JWT Storage in Rails + React The Right Way
Signup in React/Redux with JWT authentication - Mariel's Enumerated Musings
What's the Accepted Way To Build Rails API with a React Front End in 2018? : rails
Best way to integrate React into Rails app? : rails
home-page/app/controllers at master · laaksomavrick/home-page
(2) New Messages!
Building a simple token based authorization API with Rails.
How to reference public key in knock.rb (config.token_public_key) ? · Issue #148 · nsarno/knock
Filter chain halted as :authenticate_user! rendered or redirected · Issue #603 · lynndylanhurley/devise_token_auth
authentication - Rails 5 and Knock gem: can't authenticate users - Stack Overflow
Tutorial Projects
superhighfives/list-of-ingredients: An example of using create-react-app with Rails 5 API, ActiveAdmin, and Heroku
A Rock Solid, Modern Web Stack—Rails 5 API + ActiveAdmin + Create React App on Heroku | Heroku
Heroku Troubleshooting
ruby on rails - ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches [GET] "/" - Stack Overflow
ruby on rails 5.1 - ActionController::RoutingError (Couldn't find..., expected it to be defined in...) - Stack Overflow
Logging | Heroku Dev Center
Misc. Reading
Unlimited Novelty: Why critics of Rails have it all wrong (and Ruby's bright multicore future)
Mailing Lists
How to set-up jquery-ui autocomplete in Rails - Stack Overflow
Nokogiri 1.8.4 installation challenges on macOS Mojave · Issue #1801 · sparklemotion/nokogiri
plataformatec/devise: Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
Devise cheatsheet
ruby on rails - How to add username field to devise gem? - Stack Overflow
How To: Allow users to sign in using their username or email address · plataformatec/devise Wiki
#210 Customizing Devise - RailsCasts
How To: Create custom layouts · plataformatec/devise Wiki
Setting up Users and Authentication for our API - Thinkster
Devise Nested Resources - Ruby on Rails - Ruby-Forum
Rails API w/ Frontend Framework
frontend-fun/app at master · ejdraper/frontend-fun
Frontend Fun with Rails 5.1 and Webpacker | Codementor
Building a modern single-page app with Vue and Rails - Vox Product Blog
Using VueJS with Rails Series | GoRails
VueJS as a Frontend for Rails - via @codeship | via @codeship
Using Rails and Vue JS, Part 1
caching - How can I clear rails cache after deploy to heroku? - Stack Overflow
How do I clear the build cache? - Heroku Help
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