Applying Simple Looping in Practice with Python

Traversing Digits in a Number without converting to String

TASK: Get sum or product of digits of integer without converting it to a string

  • given integer n where n ranges from 1 to 10^8, inclusive
  • write function that calculates and returns product of ODD digits of n without converting n into a string
  • if n has no odd digits, function should return 0

Example: if n is 43172, then result should be 21 (3 * 1 * 7)


  • extract last digit of n using modulo operator: n % 10
    • if digit is odd, multiply product_of_digits by that digit (multiply by 1 if product_of_digits is 0)
  • after processing digit, chop off last digit of n using integer division: n // 10
def solution(n):
    local_n = int(n)
    product_of_digits = 0

    while local_n > 0:
        digit = local_n % 10

        if not digit % 2 == 0:
            product_of_digits = (product_of_digits or 1) * digit

        local_n = local_n // 10

    return product_of_digits

TASK: construct function that...

  • accepts integer n and returns the integer with the same digits as n but in reverse order
  • n will always be positive integer between 1 and 10^8
  • DO NOT use built-in functions that convert integers to another data type (such as a string) to reverse it
  • solve problem PURELY using mathematical operations and loop constructs

Example: if n is 12345, then result should be 54321

def solution(n):
    local_n = int(n)
    reversed_n = 0

    while local_n > 0:
        digit = local_n % 10

        reversed_n += digit

        local_n = local_n // 10

        if local_n > 0:
            reversed_n *= 10

    return reversed_n

Duplicating Digits in non-negative Integer

TASK: implement a function that duplicates every digit in a given non-negative integer number, n. For example, if n equals 1234, the function should return 11223344.

  • To prevent possible integer overflow, it is guaranteed that n will be a non-negative integer that does not exceed 10^4
  • Solve this task without converting n into a string or performing any other type of casting. Your job is to work strictly with integer operations.
def solution(n):
    local_n = int(n)
    result = 0
    digit_multiplier = 1

    while local_n > 0:
        digit = local_n % 10

        rh_digit = digit * digit_multiplier
        digit_multiplier *= 10

        lh_digit = digit * digit_multiplier
        digit_multiplier *= 10

        result += lh_digit + rh_digit

        local_n = local_n // 10

    return result

def solution(input_string):
    result = ""
    # Pattern for getting middle index
    length = len(input_string)
    middle_index = length // 2 + length % 2
    for i in range(middle_index):

Alternate Traversal of an Array from the Middle to Ends

TASK: start at middle index and iterate outwards adding the left- and right-next elements to new array

def iterate_middle_to_end(numbers):
    mid = len(numbers) // 2  # The index of the left middle element
    if len(numbers) % 2 == 1:
        left = mid - 1  # The left to the middle element
        right = mid + 1  # The right to the middle element
        new_order = [numbers[mid]]  # Adding the middle element to the resulting array
        left = mid - 1  # Left middle element
        right = mid  # Right middle element
        new_order = []  # No elements in the resulting array for now

    while left >= 0 and right < len(numbers):
        left -= 1
        right += 1

    return new_order

TASK: You are provided with an array of n integers, where n can range from 1 to 200, inclusive. Your task is to create a new array that takes two pairs of 'opposite' elements from the original array at each iteration, starting from the center and moving towards both ends, to calculate the resulting multiplication of each pair.

By 'opposite' elements, we mean pairs of elements symmetrically located relative to the array's center. If the array's length is odd, the center element doesn't have an opposite and should be included in the result array as is.

Each element in the array can range from -100 to 100, inclusive.

For example, if the input array is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the returned array should be [3, 8, 5]. This is because the center element 3 remains as it is, the multiplication of 2 and 4 is 8, and the multiplication of 1 and 5 is 5.

def solution(numbers):
    results = []
    length_of_numbers = len(numbers)

    midpoint = length_of_numbers // 2
    left_index = midpoint - 1

    if length_of_numbers % 2 == 1:
        right_index = midpoint + 1
        right_index = midpoint

    while left_index >= 0 and right_index < length_of_numbers:
        results.append(numbers[left_index] * numbers[right_index])
        left_index -= 1
        right_index += 1

    return results

TASK: You are provided with an array of n integers, where n ranges from 1 to 501 and is always an odd number.

The elements of the array span values from -10^6 to 10^6, inclusive.

The goal is to return a new array constructed by traversing the initial array in a specific order, outlined as follows:

  • Begin with the middle element of the array.
  • For each subsequent pair of elements, alternate between taking two elements from the left and two elements from the right, relative to the middle.
  • If fewer than two elements remain on either side, include all the remaining elements from that side.
  • Continue this process until all elements of the array have been traversed.

For example, for array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], your function should return [4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 7]. And for array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], your function should return [6, 4, 5, 7, 8, 2, 3, 9, 10, 1, 11].

def unusual_traversal(array):
    results = []
    arr_len = len(array)

    middle_index = arr_len // 2


    def get_next_left_index(index):
        return max(index - 2, 0)

    def get_next_right_index(index):
        return min(index + 2, arr_len)

    left_upper_index = middle_index
    left_lower_index = get_next_left_index(left_upper_index)
    right_lower_index = 1 + middle_index
    right_upper_index = get_next_right_index(right_lower_index)

    while len(results) < arr_len:
        results += (
            + array[right_lower_index:right_upper_index]

        left_upper_index = left_lower_index
        left_lower_index = get_next_left_index(left_upper_index)
        right_lower_index = right_upper_index
        right_upper_index = get_next_right_index(right_lower_index)

    return results

Run-Length Encoding of Alphanumeric String

TASK: In this task, you are to write a Python function that implements the concept of Run-Length Encoding (RLE) on an alphanumeric input string. Run-length encoding is a simple form of data compression where sequences of data entities that are the same are stored as a single data entity along with its count. Each count must immediately follow the character it is associated with.

Your function's name should be encode_rle. It takes a string as an input argument and returns a new string that represents the input's run-length encoding.

Your function should operate only on alphanumeric characters (numbers 0-9 and uppercase and lowercase letters A-Z, a-z). For any other types of characters in the string, simply ignore them and do not include them in the final encoded output.

For instance, if the input string is "aaabbcccdde", the output should be "a3b2c3d2e1". If the input string includes non-alphanumeric characters, such as "aaa@@bb!!c#d**e", the output should be "a3b2c1d1e1".

We assume that the given input string could have up to 500 characters.

def encode_rle(s):
    rle = ""
    current_char = None
    current_count = 0

    for char in s:
        if not (char.isdigit() or char.isalpha()):

        if char == current_char:
            current_count += 1
            if current_char is not None:
                rle += f"{current_char}{current_count}"
            current_char = char
            current_count = 1

    if current_char is not None:
        rle += f"{current_char}{current_count}"

    return rle
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